Tummy Tracker 15-16 weeks

How far along?:  15 weeks
Weight gain:  This week ??( 4 total)
Cravings:  salads, tomato juice (actually would really love a bloody Mary)
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans
Symptoms:  nausea, heartburn ( seems too early for me. At this rate my kid is gonna come out looking like a gorilla!!), headaches ( never had them with K)
Gender prediction:  ?? seriously it changes every day.
This week:  Think I felt my first flutters! I felt my first ones with K at 16weeks and they say second time around  some feel them sooner.
How's daddy doing?: Started talking to my belly, just in case ;) We have a 75% chance this baby can hear.
How's K doing?: loves to randomly come up and kiss my belly. He also has started to try to use my belly as a stepping stool when he climbs all over me.

How far along?:  16 weeks
Weight gain:  This week ??( 4 total)
Cravings:  salads, tomato juice, limes
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans
Symptoms:  nausea- dare I say has gone away!!??, heartburn, headaches every day :(
Gender prediction:  boy
This week:  Felt my first little thump. I was leaning on the bathroom counter and I guess he/she didn't like being squished!
How's daddy doing?: "Wow you seem to be getting a lot bigger faster this time around."
Me: "Thanks?"
How's K doing?: Forget about the baby Santa is coming in a few days!
Next appointment: December 27, no sono though :(

Tummy Tracker weeks 13-14

How far along?:  13 weeks
Weight gain: none ( 4 total)
Cravings: orange juice, salsa, sweets
Maternity clothes:  occasionally an old pair of maternity jeans
Symptoms: tired, major growing pains! tail bone hurts?, back hurts, pelvis feels like it's gonna break in two. I've now gone from slight nausea, to getting sick each day.
Gender prediction: can't wait until January to find out!!
This week: It's been a rough week. Just when I thought my symptoms were going to ease up by my 13th week they have increased instead.
How's daddy doing?:Has gone into full Clark Griswold mode, getting the house ready for Christmas.
How's K doing?: He will randomly come up to me and lift my shirt to show my belly and pat my pooch, then just walk off. Cracks me up.

can't get enough!


How far along?:  14 weeks
Weight gain: none ( 4 total)
Cravings: orange juice, salsa, sweets
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans
Symptoms: tired, still have terrible growing pains. Ugh, I never hurt this bad with K. Some days I feel like I'm 9 months along. Not sure what this all about, shouldn't my body all stretched out from the last time?
Gender prediction:  Hurry up January! Visions of nurseries dancing in my head.
This week:  It's my birthday!! Starting to feel old. Especially when I see AMA (advanced maternal age)written on all my pregnancy paperwork. 
 My husband and I went out to eat with some friends that are also expecting their second child a week before us. Afterwards we stopped by my work Holiday party.
How's daddy doing?: He's excited about the baby, says he can't decide which girl name out of our list he likes best, but he has made a decision on our boy name. 
How's K doing?: He's getting ready for this baby too. After going into our spare bedroom (currently used as storage) he said " mommy and daddy you need to clean the baby's room, it's a mess!!

 Surprise delivery of Sprinkles Cupcakes I received from my husband. Just what a pregnant lady craving sweets needs on her birthday!

Tummy Tracker week 12

How far along?:12 weeks
Weight gain: 2 lbs  up 4 lbs total yikes! (114.6)
Cravings: orange juice, salsa, sweets
Maternity clothes:  busted out my old maternity jeans, so much more comfortable than using the Bella band.
Symptoms: slight nausea, tired, peeing a lot, growing pains
Gender prediction:  this week- Girl
This week:  Visited my husband's side of the family and told them our baby news. We dressed K up in his announcement shirt again. Unlike my parents it only took about ten minutes for his mother and stepfather to notice.;) 
    On Thanksgiving day we had dinner at my husband's grandmothers house. She has a tradition of giving a speech and saying a prayer before we eat. So during her speech she was so proud to announce to the rest of the family the impending arrival of her 14th great grandchild. It was so sweet.
   This week we also got to see our little munchkin again. I had the 12 week NT scan and blood work to screen for some possible genetic problems. I'll admit I was extremely nervous. I guess being 35 and considered "advanced maternal age" got me paranoid. In the end everything came back as a very low risk.
 Here are the two pictures we sent to our extended family members that couldn't be with us on Thanksgiving to hear the news.  I sent them a few days before and wrote on the outside not to open until Thanksgiving day!

 Pics from our 12 week appointment. Getting my orange juice fix before, happy news during, and off to a lunch date after.

12 weeks 6 days. Perfect little profile. It's amazing how the last time we saw the baby he/she just looked like a gummy bear. Now we have little arms, legs fingers...

Tummy Tracker 10-11 weeks


How far along?:  10 weeks
Weight gain:  none
Cravings: orange  juice, salsa
Maternity clothes:  nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slight nausea, tired, peeing a lot, growing pains
Gender prediction:  Girl?? heart beat 168
This week:  Exhaustion has set in. I never really had a problem with it when I was pregnant with K but this time around it's kicking my butt.  Thankful for my hubby for letting me sleep in on the weekend. He's been very supportive helping out with K so I can get some extra rest.
Next appointment: November 29 for NT screen.


How far along?:  11 weeks
Weight gain:  none
Cravings: orange juice, salsa, sweets
Maternity clothes:  nope, well does a Bella band count?
Symptoms:  starting to show a little more, slight nausea, tired, peeing a lot, growing pains
Gender prediction:   My family is convinced it's a girl. I don't really have a strong feeling either way.
This week:  Trying to get things done before we leave town for Thanksgiving break. I've been slacking and taking a nap while K is in school which is not helping my productivity!

One weekend morning K and my husband went out for donuts so that they could bring me breakfast in bed. It's not what you would call a breakfast of champions but the baby and I sure did enjoy it!!

Tummy Tracker Weeks 5-9

How far along?:  5 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, cramping, strong right sided pelvis pain.
Gender prediction:  boy? ( had lots of cramping with K)
This week: thinking about telling my parents, especially my mom before she gets suspicious as to why I'm not drinking caffeine.
How's daddy doing?: already nesting, he went on a cleaning binge! love it!
How's K doing?: clueless to it all, just being his adorable self.

How far along?:  6 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, cramping, lower back pain,  still have continuous strong right sided pelvis pain that is making me nervous.
Gender prediction:   lower heartbeat # boy?
This week: Went to see my OB before my original planned 8week visit. Got to see the baby for the first time. I was told to come in for concerns about my side pain. She wanted to rule out if it was an ectopic pregnancy. Turns out I had a small cyst but it was resolving on ts own. He/she had a a strong beautiful heartbeat!! 135
How's daddy doing?: relieved that baby is in the right spot
How's K doing?: starting to wonder what all this baby talk is about.

 6wk 3 days, right where he/she should be :)

How far along?:  7 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slightly nauseous, lower back pain, right sided pelvis pain
Gender prediction: ???
This week: Told my parents. My mom was starting to ask too many questions. Really wished we could tell my husbands side but we have a rule to do it in person. Need to plan a trip to San Angelo soon.
How's daddy doing?: still nesting, he cleared out his closet and gave tons of stuff away to Good Will
How's K doing?:  talking about the baby a little, seems a little confused as to why it's in my belly.

Shirt we got K to announce to the family, too bad it took almost an hour for my parents to notice it!!
My dad even looked at his shirt and said "guess what?" but never turned him around. Needless to say they were extremely excited once they did see it.

How far along?:  8 weeks
Weight gain:  2 lbs (112.8 lbs)
Cravings: orange juice, oranges
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slightly nauseous, lower back pain,
Gender prediction: Higher heartbeat Girl???
This week: We got to see the baby again. Growing just right. Made a huge decision and ended up switching to another doctor.(this doctor delivered my nephew) Didn't have any major problems with the old one something just wasn't feeling right. We talked about our past experience with K and how it was just blah. We wanted to go with a more personable doctor that didn't dismiss out concerns. Being that I am 35 and  having genetics issues we had a few. ;)


How far along?:  9 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice, oranges, chocolate pudding
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slightly nauseous, tired, HUNGRY ( especially at 3am)
Gender prediction:  Girl because I already have a boy?? ;)
This week:  feeling pretty good, I have symptoms but luckily they are not bad. I think I was feeling pretty sick by this time with K. maybe I'll skip the bad stuff??
How's daddy doing?: keeps waking up between 3-5am to see me eating a snack in bed.
How's K doing?:  now knows that only girls have babies " I'm a boy! no baby in my tummy!!"

Next appointment:  November 26th 12week visit with OB. November 29th NT scan

just a little late night snack...

Tummy Tracker 4 weeks

Well if you read my last post you know we are expecting baby # 2 early June 2013. I didn't start documenting my last pregnancy with pictures until towards the end, so I decided I would start early this time around.

How far along:  4 weeks
Weight gain:  none
 Symptoms:  slightly bloated
 This week: Just found out about you. I took about 11 pregnancy tests. Crazy I know, but I bought them in bulk and that's how I was able to find out 6 days early! Only daddy and K know.
Gender prediction:  Just excited to be pregnant right now!!

How I told my husband:
I grabbed a hamburger bun from the pantry and put it in the oven. I then called K to the kitchen and told him that I had made a bun in the oven for daddy and that he needed to show it to him. When my husband arrived in the kitchen K happily turned on the oven light and said:
"Look mommy made something for you!"
Husband : "oh wow you have a hamburger bun in the oven!?"
K ( slightly annoyed): "It's not a hamburger bun, it's a bun in the oven!"
Husband  (confused): " Okay yay, you have a bun in the oven?"
Me ( giving the are you kidding me? look): "YES. THERE. IS. A. BUN. IN. THE. OVEN."
Husband: " OH!!! there's a bun in the oven!!!"

I had planned to get this all on video but stupid me forgot to make sure it was charged and it died in the process. :(
yes, this baby was planned as you can tell by my planner, bulk ovulation and pregnancy tests. Something as serious as a baby takes some planning for this type A girl.

October 2012

Alright, so I'm behind again. My last post talked about how I couldn't wait for all the Fall festivities and now with Thanksgiving next week they are almost over. I use this blog as K's baby book so I can't just skip over our yearly trips to the pumpkin patch and trick-or-treating, so here they are!

K's school class met up at the Mckinney Storybook Ranch Pumpkin patch. He was so excited/shocked to see his teacher Mrs. Adams there. I guess it's kinda weird seeing your teacher out of the classroom setting. He followed her around like a puppy dog and almost forgot I was there. She was even able to convince him to ride the pony. This kid is not a fan of animals so this was a big deal. He did it and loved it. I seriously need to learn her tricks!

We had to go back to our favorite Owen's Farm Pumpkin patch to get our yearly "For Sale" picture. It's been four years and we haven't been able to sell him yet!! ;) My old college roommate, Olivia and her daughter Ella join us every year. Hope we can keep this tradition going.

Here we are Halloween night. As usual we meet up at my parents house and go trick-or-treating in their neighborhood. K is really into pirates right now, so he went as Jake from Disney's Jake and the Neverland Pirates cartoon. Doesn't he make the perfect Jake!? His cousin Nolan went as Bumblebee the Transformer. They both had a blast running door to door getting candy, although they fought over who got to ring the doorbell practically at every door. I guess it's a pretty important job when you are 3 & 4 years old !

The summer of firsts Part 1

Fall is now upon us. Time to put away the pool toys and start enjoying the cooler weather. I'll admit I'm usually sad to see summer go. Summer has always been my favorite season but this year I'm really excited about fall. I can't wait to take Kemper to the pumpkin patch, out trick-or-treating, spend Thanksgiving with the family.... So before get all wrapped up in Fall and I forget, it's time to do our summer recap. It was way too fun to leave out.

It was a summer of many firsts for Kemper. So many special moments and experiences. I think he grew up so much this summer. It's bitter sweet watching my baby grow into a little boy.

 K's first airplane ride.
 I have a very close family, so soon after my cousin announced she was getting married we booked a flight to Florida. All of our family was going to be there so we decided to extend our tip past the wedding and make it our first family vacation.

Even though this was his first big trip he acted like a a seasoned traveler. Passing his time playing on the iPhone with his girlfriend Minnie on his side. ( she's another story on her own) ;)

We decided to splurge a little, so Kemper also had his first time flying first class.
He loved eating dinner on the plane. He's gonna be in total shock the next time we fly and we are sitting in coach without a hot dinner.

As soon as we landed we headed to the beach. We just left everything in the car and made a run for it. I almost got teary-eyed watching his first time putting his toes in the beach sand.

After a quick trip to the beach we met up with my parents. They had rented a few condos on the beach for the rest of our family. This was K's first time ever to stay at a hotel/Condo. He loved it, he kept calling it our "Florida house" He was so excited that his cousin "lived" next door, and that if he went one more door down he was at his grandmas "house"!

It was wonderful. we could open our front door and see the pool and beach.

Once we unpacked our bags it was time to head to the beach again. K got to build his first sand castle and take his first dip in the ocean. It had taken us about an hour to convince him to go in the water but then it took us two hours to try and get him out!!

Kemper and his cousin digging for buried treasure. They are both really into pirates and treasure so they were excited to find the chest of gold that my sister had buried earlier. ;)

 X marks the spot!!
 K kept singing the theme song from the cartoon Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Yo Ho mateys away...!

Just some of the fam. hanging out on the beach.

Father like son.  All lubed up in sunscreen and practically covered from head to toe. Those whities don't stand a chance in the sun!

It was so beautiful. Can we go back?!

potty humor

 Potty training- The good, the bad, and the funny...        oh and the TMI ;)

The one thing I know for certain is that my child has a mind of his own. He is a stubborn little guy and everything is done on his terms.  Sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, eating, you name it.  He does things when the timing is right for him, not for me or anyone else. So when it came to potty training I decided to take the laid back approach. I waited for him to tell me. Besides I'm kinda sick of all the "mompetition" out there and I didn't feel the need to have my child completely potty  trained by age two.

Around 2.5 K started showing signs that he was ready. He would go for hours and hours with a dry diaper and he would wake up in the morning and naps with a dry diaper. I knew this was our chance. Time for the reward system. I immediately sent my husband on a hunt for a small candy machine and some Pull Ups.  He came back with a really nice candy machine courtesy of Craigslist. I filled them up with M&M's and the rest was history. He was all about using the potty and getting a penny to put in the machine to get his candy. It didn't take him long to start asking to go on his own and now most of the time he doesn't even ask for a penny afterwards.

Here area few Quotes from Kemper during his potty training that had us laughing:

- While helping K use a public restroom K yells out to me " Momma thanks for holding my penis!"

- " Watch me turn the water on." as he turns a pretend knob with his hand, and you know the rest. Such a boy.

-  Upon seeing his daddy in boxer briefs  "oh daddy I like your pull ups!!"

So just when we thought this potty training stuff was going to be easy we got to the poo poo department. K has no interest in this area at all. M&M's are a joke when it comes to poo poo in the potty.  I needed a better bribe so I had to bring out the toys. Dollar store toys taped to the bathroom mirror, but unfortunately  they didn't work. He wasn't impressed. I even busted out the big dogs and got him a Jake and the Neverland Pirate ship. No go, but I did over hear him tell his father "Daddy if you go poo poo in the potty I'll give you a big surprise!" I can just see the wheels turning in his head "I'll just make daddy go and then he will get the toy and I can play with it too!" Smart kid.

 The poor kid is so conflicted. He knows he's not supposed to go in his pants but is too scared to go in the potty. He just holds it resulting in a serious poo traffic jam. Just for the record 6 days no poop +Miralax +prunes + warm bathtub = disaster!!  We have tried just about everything to convince him not to be scared. He will sit on the potty for what feels like forever just struggling and crying to hold it in. He eventually loses the battle due to the Miralax I've spiked in all his drinks. The whole process has been torture for us both.   If anyone has any suggestions on how to ease my child's fear of poopin' in the potty please share!!

A few more K  quotes during our experience:

Not sure why my child feels the need to use every public toilet while we are out but he likes to label them all too..
"Oh I like the restaurant potty! Oh this is the Target potty. Oh this is the Circus potty...

Once I could tell that he had not  finished doing his business he told me "It's a little poo poo, like Kemper. I'll do a big one for you later. "

And the one that all mothers want to hear:
"Momma I went poo poo, now clean my butt!"

Pre K

Kemper just wrapped up his first week of Pre K at our Regional School for the Deaf. I can't say that he was excited about it, but he did really well and is adjusting nicely.

 Very first day, with his sweet nervous smile.

 I walked him to his class and as I said my goodbye, I saw his big brown eyes fill up with tears.  I told him " I love you and you are going to have a great day." He took in a deep breath trying to hold in his tears and just said  "okay" with a choked up voice, then he puffed up his chest like he was going into battle and walked in his room. He was so brave! I had to put my sunglasses on to hide my tears.

The Friday before school started Kemper had "meet the teacher". It took us about an hour to get him in the car. He wasn't interested in anything that had to do with school. After we finally arrived at the school his Aunt Maria and his grandmother Wela surprised him by showing up. My sister is the nephew whisperer and she can get this kid to do about anything. Within a few minutes he was all about the school and showing her and Wela around.

K giving his tour, he really likes the "competers"

K with his teacher Mrs. Adams. Showing us his new square with his name on it for circle time.

Checking out the library. He even found a book that he already wants to check out. He loves the Max and Ruby book series.

Each day Kemper's teacher sends home a list of what they did for the day and a brief note on how he is doing. I was so excited to get this note telling me how he's become the leader of the class. She also sent me one telling me how he is beginning to play with the other children and initiate play. This is huge for our extremely shy child. He has been needing a little help with his social skills and this is the perfect place for him to work on them.

Just when we thought school was going off with out a hitch, after school one day I opened up K's backpack to find my husbands Rifleman magazine sitting on top of his folders. My heart sank. I know we live in Texas and the subject of guns is not that uncommon, but a gun magazine is not exactly preschool reading material. I can only imagine what his teacher was thinking when she saw that in his bag. I was so embarrassed. After some investigation it turns out that my husband had left the magazine at my parents house and my sister happened to see it there and decided to put t in K's backpack so that it would make its way back home. Too bad she forgot to mention it to me!

 In all I'm so thankful that K had a great first week. There were no meltdowns and even though I know he would have rather stayed home with mommy, he still had a good time. I think he will do well and this is exactly what he needs to get ready to be mainstreamed by Kindergarten.