Tummy Tracker 10-11 weeks


How far along?:  10 weeks
Weight gain:  none
Cravings: orange  juice, salsa
Maternity clothes:  nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slight nausea, tired, peeing a lot, growing pains
Gender prediction:  Girl?? heart beat 168
This week:  Exhaustion has set in. I never really had a problem with it when I was pregnant with K but this time around it's kicking my butt.  Thankful for my hubby for letting me sleep in on the weekend. He's been very supportive helping out with K so I can get some extra rest.
Next appointment: November 29 for NT screen.


How far along?:  11 weeks
Weight gain:  none
Cravings: orange juice, salsa, sweets
Maternity clothes:  nope, well does a Bella band count?
Symptoms:  starting to show a little more, slight nausea, tired, peeing a lot, growing pains
Gender prediction:   My family is convinced it's a girl. I don't really have a strong feeling either way.
This week:  Trying to get things done before we leave town for Thanksgiving break. I've been slacking and taking a nap while K is in school which is not helping my productivity!

One weekend morning K and my husband went out for donuts so that they could bring me breakfast in bed. It's not what you would call a breakfast of champions but the baby and I sure did enjoy it!!

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