Tummy Tracker Weeks 5-9

How far along?:  5 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, cramping, strong right sided pelvis pain.
Gender prediction:  boy? ( had lots of cramping with K)
This week: thinking about telling my parents, especially my mom before she gets suspicious as to why I'm not drinking caffeine.
How's daddy doing?: already nesting, he went on a cleaning binge! love it!
How's K doing?: clueless to it all, just being his adorable self.

How far along?:  6 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, cramping, lower back pain,  still have continuous strong right sided pelvis pain that is making me nervous.
Gender prediction:   lower heartbeat # boy?
This week: Went to see my OB before my original planned 8week visit. Got to see the baby for the first time. I was told to come in for concerns about my side pain. She wanted to rule out if it was an ectopic pregnancy. Turns out I had a small cyst but it was resolving on ts own. He/she had a a strong beautiful heartbeat!! 135
How's daddy doing?: relieved that baby is in the right spot
How's K doing?: starting to wonder what all this baby talk is about.

 6wk 3 days, right where he/she should be :)

How far along?:  7 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slightly nauseous, lower back pain, right sided pelvis pain
Gender prediction: ???
This week: Told my parents. My mom was starting to ask too many questions. Really wished we could tell my husbands side but we have a rule to do it in person. Need to plan a trip to San Angelo soon.
How's daddy doing?: still nesting, he cleared out his closet and gave tons of stuff away to Good Will
How's K doing?:  talking about the baby a little, seems a little confused as to why it's in my belly.

Shirt we got K to announce to the family, too bad it took almost an hour for my parents to notice it!!
My dad even looked at his shirt and said "guess what?" but never turned him around. Needless to say they were extremely excited once they did see it.

How far along?:  8 weeks
Weight gain:  2 lbs (112.8 lbs)
Cravings: orange juice, oranges
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slightly nauseous, lower back pain,
Gender prediction: Higher heartbeat Girl???
This week: We got to see the baby again. Growing just right. Made a huge decision and ended up switching to another doctor.(this doctor delivered my nephew) Didn't have any major problems with the old one something just wasn't feeling right. We talked about our past experience with K and how it was just blah. We wanted to go with a more personable doctor that didn't dismiss out concerns. Being that I am 35 and  having genetics issues we had a few. ;)


How far along?:  9 weeks
Weight gain: none
Cravings: orange juice, oranges, chocolate pudding
Maternity clothes: nope
Symptoms:  bloated, slightly nauseous, tired, HUNGRY ( especially at 3am)
Gender prediction:  Girl because I already have a boy?? ;)
This week:  feeling pretty good, I have symptoms but luckily they are not bad. I think I was feeling pretty sick by this time with K. maybe I'll skip the bad stuff??
How's daddy doing?: keeps waking up between 3-5am to see me eating a snack in bed.
How's K doing?:  now knows that only girls have babies " I'm a boy! no baby in my tummy!!"

Next appointment:  November 26th 12week visit with OB. November 29th NT scan

just a little late night snack...

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