Tummy Tracker week 12

How far along?:12 weeks
Weight gain: 2 lbs  up 4 lbs total yikes! (114.6)
Cravings: orange juice, salsa, sweets
Maternity clothes:  busted out my old maternity jeans, so much more comfortable than using the Bella band.
Symptoms: slight nausea, tired, peeing a lot, growing pains
Gender prediction:  this week- Girl
This week:  Visited my husband's side of the family and told them our baby news. We dressed K up in his announcement shirt again. Unlike my parents it only took about ten minutes for his mother and stepfather to notice.;) 
    On Thanksgiving day we had dinner at my husband's grandmothers house. She has a tradition of giving a speech and saying a prayer before we eat. So during her speech she was so proud to announce to the rest of the family the impending arrival of her 14th great grandchild. It was so sweet.
   This week we also got to see our little munchkin again. I had the 12 week NT scan and blood work to screen for some possible genetic problems. I'll admit I was extremely nervous. I guess being 35 and considered "advanced maternal age" got me paranoid. In the end everything came back as a very low risk.
 Here are the two pictures we sent to our extended family members that couldn't be with us on Thanksgiving to hear the news.  I sent them a few days before and wrote on the outside not to open until Thanksgiving day!

 Pics from our 12 week appointment. Getting my orange juice fix before, happy news during, and off to a lunch date after.

12 weeks 6 days. Perfect little profile. It's amazing how the last time we saw the baby he/she just looked like a gummy bear. Now we have little arms, legs fingers...

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