Tummy Tracker 4 weeks

Well if you read my last post you know we are expecting baby # 2 early June 2013. I didn't start documenting my last pregnancy with pictures until towards the end, so I decided I would start early this time around.

How far along:  4 weeks
Weight gain:  none
 Symptoms:  slightly bloated
 This week: Just found out about you. I took about 11 pregnancy tests. Crazy I know, but I bought them in bulk and that's how I was able to find out 6 days early! Only daddy and K know.
Gender prediction:  Just excited to be pregnant right now!!

How I told my husband:
I grabbed a hamburger bun from the pantry and put it in the oven. I then called K to the kitchen and told him that I had made a bun in the oven for daddy and that he needed to show it to him. When my husband arrived in the kitchen K happily turned on the oven light and said:
"Look mommy made something for you!"
Husband : "oh wow you have a hamburger bun in the oven!?"
K ( slightly annoyed): "It's not a hamburger bun, it's a bun in the oven!"
Husband  (confused): " Okay yay, you have a bun in the oven?"
Me ( giving the are you kidding me? look): "YES. THERE. IS. A. BUN. IN. THE. OVEN."
Husband: " OH!!! there's a bun in the oven!!!"

I had planned to get this all on video but stupid me forgot to make sure it was charged and it died in the process. :(
yes, this baby was planned as you can tell by my planner, bulk ovulation and pregnancy tests. Something as serious as a baby takes some planning for this type A girl.

1 comment:

  1. I love the stickers you have on your pictures, what app did you use? They are precious!
