Tummy Tracker weeks 23-24

How far along?:  23 weeks   
Weight gain: 13 total
Cravings:  lemonade
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans and a few maternity tops.
Stretch marks? : nope
Symptoms: braxton hicks contractions :(    heartburn
Miss anything?  non maternity pants
Movement:  lots!  The hubby can feel them all the time now. Can't wait for K to feel her move around.
Gender: ruffles and bows
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week: Had a stressful week with little sleep. K was up several nights with the "scaries" and I was up with our dog Raider, who needed constant care after his emergency surgery for bladder stones :( It was all made better though by getting to celebrate Valentines Day with my two loves.
How's daddy doing?:  seriously getting ready for this baby. He even made calendars with deadlines as to what we need to get done before she gets here!
 How's K doing?: Talking about his baby sister all the time. "when the baby sister comes..."
Looking forward to: getting around to painting her room!

K's card for me on Valentines Day.

Tulips from the hubby. K's valentines for his classmates.

My poor fur baby!


How far along?:  24 weeks   
Weight gain: 15 total
Cravings: waffles and french toast
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans/ pants and a few maternity tops.
Stretch marks? : nope
Symptoms: braxton hicks contractions! braxton hicks contractions! braxton hicks contractions! heartburn. heartburn. heartburn.
Miss anything? not waking up 2-3 times at night to use the restroom, so much for that getting better in the second trimester!
Movement:  lots and lots! I don't remember feeling this much movement with K. Part of me prays that it's because she can hear and she's responding to all the noise.
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week:  Little girl gave us some drama. I began having to many contractions despite resting and drinking plenty of water. Had to see the OB and get a Fetal Fibronectin test and a sonogram to measure the length of my cervix. Luckily my FTT came back negative and my cervix was at the proper length. OB thinks I may just have an irritable uterus,but  will continue to keep an eye on things because of my previous history of preterm labor. 
How's daddy doing?:  relieved that all is well with Little Miss
How's K doing?:  K keeps lifting my shirt to look at my belly button and asking " how are we gonna get her out?"
Looking forward to: The glider for her nursery comes in this week!

  Baby girl 24weeks 4 days, but measuring 25weeks 6 days (90% on growth chart).
I know for sure my dates are correct, so she's just a little big for her age. Her father was 10lb 2oz at birth and I was a little over 6lbs. So average we're looking at about 8lbs. K was 7 lbs 3oz but was 2 weeks early. I can't imagine how big he would have been if he had cooked for two more weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your pregnancy! Hope everything goes well :)
