Happy 3rd hearing birthday!!

February 11, 2013 
Three years ago today my baby boy heard his  first sounds  ever through the use of cochlear implants. We always take this day to say thanks to our family, friends, doctors, therapists, and teachers that have helped us along the way. K is doing awesome, far better than we could have ever imagined. If you didn't see his C.I.'s behind his ears you would never think this child was born profoundly deaf. While our journey is still not over, we are forever grateful for the love and support we continue to receive.
To continue his traditional hearing birthday we did our usual big family dinner followed by cake and ice cream.
Kemper insisted on going to the store and picking out his own cupcakes for his "ears"
He also insisted on having his own grocery cart. Thank you Kroger for supplying mini carts, they make shopping so much easier :) When we got to the cashier to checkout I asked him how he was going to pay for them and he replied "With the money in your purse!"

Time to blow out the candles with a little help from his cousin Nolan.

Enjoying his cupcakes and being silly with his cousin Nolan.

My husband and I try and keep it simple just dinner and dessert, but his grandparents can never resist getting him a present.They got him a garbage truck with all the lights and sounds of a real one. It even picks up trash and dumps it! It's such a boy toy & he loved it.

Cheers to many more hearing birthdays!!


  1. So sweet! Love that you guys celebrate his hearing birthday every year. Happy third hearing birthday little K!

  2. I love seeing these celebrations! My son is teetering between severe and profound hearing loss. We're trying to place exactly where he is at still because he had a strange few months of a lot of reactions that even our audiologist couldn't explain. If he tips to the profound or he doesn't benefit from the aids at severe, he will receive his cochlear implants right around his first birthday. As a teacher, I naturally love all things Dr. Seuss, but I thought what a better theme for his first birthday/hearing celebration than Dr. Seuss! I'm so excited for this and instead of gifts we're asking people to bring their favorite children's book, leave a note, and sign up for day to come read to him! I'm glad to see someone else celebrate their son's hearing birthday... after all, a new part of their lives, as well as ours, is born when implants are activated!
