Tummy Tracker weeks 21-22

How far along?:  21 weeks  
Weight gain: 13 total
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans and some old maternity shirts
Stretch marks? : nope
Symptoms:  heartburn,   Insomnia. Hip/pelvis pains while sleeping. Starting to feel pregnant which seems a little too early for me. I still have a long way to go!
Miss anything? sleeping comfortably. Busted out my old pregnancy pillow to help with the hip and pelvic pain.
Movement: She is a very active baby. I love to feel her move. I don't even mind when it wakes me up. I find it comforting. Started having a few braxton hicks, those suckers always make me nervous.
Gender: sugar and spice...
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week: Saw my OB, everything still looking good. Got my Thyroid level taken again. Heart beat 150
How's daddy doing?:  Being an awesome daddy and helping me with K as much as possible. They have started to become really close.
 How's K doing?: Poor baby is sick with the flu. He's miserable. He has been sleeping in our bed with his dad while I sleep in the guest room so that I can stay as far away from the cooties as possible.
Looking forward to:  buying all those girly things!!

How far along?:  22 weeks   
Weight gain: 13 total
Cravings:  lemonade
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans and a few maternity tops.
Stretch marks? : nope
Symptoms: . Hip/lower back pains while sleeping.
Miss anything? getting around faster.
Movement: she dances around most when I am hungry. Still having Braxton hicks contractions on and off.
Gender:  Team pink!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week: We celebrated my husband's birthday. K was so excited for him and insisted  going to the store after school to get  him cupcakes.   
 Got her crib and was able to get an awesome deal on it too! We also bought a glider recliner and ottoman. It's crazy how expensive they are but we decided to bite the bullet and get one. We didn't get one with K and regretted it forever. I also got her a few Christmas outfits. There is a fancy baby boutique next to the furniture store and they had a 60% of sale of Christmas clothing so I couldn't resist. I'm a sucker for smocked clothing!
How's daddy doing?:  still in the nesting mode but for random things, he just had to put up a hat rack in his closet. I think it took him a week to decide what rack he liked best.
 How's K doing?: I'm getting notes from his teacher saying that he's been talking about his "baby sister" to everyone.
Looking forward to: getting her room cleared out of all the junk so that we can start painting!!

Happy 38th!!

Christmas will be here before we know it, right?

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