Tummy Tracker 19-20 weeks


How far along?:  19 weeks
Weight gain: 8 total
Cravings:  salads I think mainly for the dressing. Love those vinegar based dressings! fried eggs.
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans
Stretch marks? : nope
Symptoms:  heartburn,  headaches. Insomnia. Hip pains while sleeping. Short of breath.
Miss anything? bending over, I find myself leaving just things on the floor after I drop them.
Movement: If I get the slightest bit hungry she starts kicking away. My mom got to feel the first kick she was so happy. She always stops moving as soon as my husband puts his hand on my belly, I guess she's giving her dad a hard time already. :)
Gender prediction:  It's a GIRL!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week:  Got a call from the OB telling me that my Thyroid levels continue to be low and that she would like me to go see an endocrinologist just to be on the safe side.  Hyperthyroid  is not as common in pregnancy like hypothyroid is.
How's daddy doing?:  Has about five million projects started, but yet to finish one. I think he has ADD nesting.
 How's K doing?:  Says that he wants to be Peter Pan for Halloween this year and the baby sister can be Tinker Bell.
Looking forward to:  getting the nursery started now that we know the sex.


How far along?:  20 weeks    half way there!!
Weight gain: 8 total
Cravings:  lemonade
Maternity clothes:   maternity jeans
Stretch marks? : nope
Symptoms:  heartburn,  headaches. Insomnia. Hip pains while sleeping. Short of breath.
Miss anything? eating sushi
Movement: more and more each day.
Gender:  Team pink!!!!!!
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week: saw the endocrinologist about my thyroid levels. They are staying low but haven't gotten any lower. He plans to continue watching them and as long as I' symptom free we will not do anything.
How's daddy doing?:  getting a little nervous about how things are going to be as a family of four.
 How's K doing?: Keeps asking me  " is the baby sister coming tomorrow?"
Looking forward to:  buying all those girly things!!

1 comment:

  1. "Tummy Tracker" LOVE that for a fun post series when we get preggo again. Anyway, lovely family and adorable bump! Congrats on a girl!
