Sedated ABR/ MRI

When Kendall was 6 months old she had her last hearing tests to verify her degree of hearing loss. During these tests they looked at her brain activity to see any reaction to varying noise frequencies. To make sure they would get accurate results and not get any interference from her moving they sedated her. The entire process took about two hours total and she tolerated the sedation well. The results were as expected- profound bilateral hearing loss.

The last step in our cochlear implant candidacy process was to get an MRI. They needed to make sure that her cochleas and auditory nerves were fully developed. We were not too nervous about getting these results since we already knew that a flawed Connexin 26 gene was the cause of her hearing loss, but we still had to rule out any other causes.

She was such a champ and had no issues at all. The only problem we had was trying to keep all the medical equipment out of her mouth!!
 When Kemper had his MRI  they gave him IV sedation. This time with Kendall they just used gas to put her under and it was so much better. She had an easier time coming out of sedation and was back to normal in a very short time. It seemed like it took forever for K just to wake up post MRI.

Thankfully the MRI results were as expected too-  her auditory canal structure is intact as well as her auditory nerve so she is a perfect candidate for cochlear implants!

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