Tummy Tracker 29-30


How far along?:  29 weeks   
Weight gain: 18.8 total
Cravings: ice cream ( bluebell vanilla is the only decent sugar free ice cream I have found.)
Maternity clothes:  I'm starting to get a draft on my lower belly while wearing some of my old maternity shirts. I blaming it on dryer shrinking them.
Stretch marks? : nope, crazy dilated veins-yes
Symptoms:  braxton hicks, horrible restless legs. Keeps me up at night, I just can't stay still. My husband says my translated Indian name would be "Moves a lot"
Movement: still feeling her quite a bit but not as many flip flops.
Miss anything? eating anything I want.
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week: Had another sonogram with the specialist to measure my cervix. Everything looked great and my cervix is measuring 3.6 yay I'm 29wks 4 days but measuring 30 weeks 3 days. Estimated weight 3lbs 10oz.
How's daddy doing?: Couldn't paint her room this week because it was cold and rainy :(
How's K doing?:  Lately I've been having to tell K that I can't can't really pick him up anymore because my belly is getting too big. The other day I picked him up to help him down from a chair and he scolded me " momma you can't pick me up, remember the baby sister!!"


How far along?: 30 weeks   
Weight gain: 21.8 lbs
Cravings: peanut butter and jelly, deviled eggs
Maternity clothes:  I'm starting to get a draft on my lower belly while wearing some of my old maternity shirts. I blaming it on dryer shrinking them.
Stretch marks? : nope, crazy dilated veins-yes
Symptoms:  I am feeling very pregnant. Having a hard time walking around without hurting. My pubic bone, groin, and hips are killing me! According to my husband I'm already starting to waddle.  I've got the uglies. Not feeling so cute. Feel like I'm getting thicker everywhere, especially my legs. 
Movement:  She only allows me to sleep in certain positions,  she kicks and flips to let me know that I need to change positions.
Miss anything? eating cereal. ( I'm limited on my milk intake and most cereals contain lots of sugar)
Gender: sugar and spice
Belly Button in or out:  flat
This week:  Had visit with regular OB, everything still checking out great. My gestational diabetes is under control thankfully. Checking my sugar levels four times a day is a pain, but I'll do what ever it takes. I've actually been able to get away with eating more carbs but still have to be careful with my sugars. 
 My doctor also informed me that she will be out of town the first week of June when she is due. Great.  Although she said she would rather induce me at the end of May instead because there is a higher risk of  stillborn with GD moms as they get closer to their due dates go over their due dates. I need to do some more research on all that because I'm not excited about the idea of being induced, especially if it's only because she will be out of town.
How's daddy doing?:  He got her room painted! on the last paint stroke he said he would never paint again ;)
How's K doing?:  Sometimes when I get up from a sitting position I tend make a little groan or noise and sweet little K is always so concerned " Mommy are you okay?"

Daddy at work. Her room is a very light lavender. This picture doesn't quite capture the true color. When my husband put on the very first coat of paint, it was such a faint shade of lavender so K asked him "Why are you painting the room white? baby sisters room is purple."
my husband : " but it is purple."
K in a matter-of-fact voice : "no, it's white."  and then he just walked off.

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