Easter Weekend

Easter weekend. This post is a bit late, but so are 95% of my posts. Oh well, at least I have the memory documented!

K coloring his eggs. I always forget how messy they can be.I was kicking myself for not buying the individual color cups. I had a hard time finding enough bowls that were deep enough to cover the eggs.
 I found it funny that Kemper only likes to dye each of the eggs one solid color. I'm the same way, no mixing of the colors! We keep it simple but add our flare with stickers ;)

Every Easter we buy confetti eggs to crack on our heads. I think it has to be K's favorite tradition. He was so excited that morning he couldn't wait to go outside to crack them. He wanted to hold the carton while his dad and I got ready and I agreed but I told him that he couldn't open them yet. But as you can see the third egg from the left on the top row didn't make it. He ended up cracking it all over himself and the living room couch. The look on his face was priceless, he thought he was in so much trouble. I gave him a free pass and didn't scold him too much, but I did make him help clean it up!

He was all about cracking the eggs on our heads but not on his. How convenient.

Ester 2011, it never gets old!

He's a bossy little thing when it comes to cracking eggs!

Finally he let his dad crack one on his head. Too bad on the first try the egg didn't crack and his dad just ended up whacking him on the head with it! poor kid!

The aftermath.

One of the gifts in his Easter basket was a bubble blower. It's one of those toys that never fails. I think he ends up getting one each year. He would stay outside with it all day if we let him.  I forgot to take a pic.of his Easter basket this year. I kept it pretty simple, just a little candy and a few simple toys like the bubble blower. His grandmother and aunt usually stock him up with plenty of stuff every Easter.

Later that afternoon we went to my parents house for an egg hunt with his cousin Nolan...

...and some more egg cracking!

My husband and my younger sister attempting to ride a scooter, I was just glad/surprised they didn't crack their heads.

 K's loot at his Welas's house.
 A soccer shirt, candy, preschool workbooks, coloring stickers, flash cards, Scooby doo pirate DVD, pirate felt board, and another bubble machine ;)

Happy Easter!!

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