We are still here! Summer recap part 1

( Sorry MeMe for the lack of posts)

We have been busy enjoying our fun but VERY HOT summer.
  This is our very first summer in the new house and we are very happy with our decision to buy a house with a pool.  Summer in Texas can be brutal!

Just to show you,
This weekend's forecast: HOT HOT HOT!

 We have had 37 days straight of 100+ temps, and if this continues until next Friday we will break the record for the most continuous days with three digit temps.
What's a few more days?, we've come this far I want the record!

My little swimmer. Isn't he adorable? 
Um no, he's not wearing a Speedo.
I just couldn't find his trunks that day and so he's just wearing a swim diaper  ;)

 K's hearing processors are not waterproof  so early in the summer I ordered a LOKSAK, a waterproof  bag, so that I could put one of his processors in it and he would be able to hear while in the pool. 
It was pretty much a no go.
Only for the reason that he hates the actual process of putting the swim cap on to hold the bag in place. It's tough trying to keep the processor on his head and put the tight swim cap over it to hold it. Once he has it on he's fine, but he'd rather swim without his "ears" than go through the process.
I guess we will try again later. I also think he doesn't mind having his "ears" off because then he can't hear me when I tell him that it's time to get out of the pool !

My fishies! 
K with Daddy.

Our nephew John, from Georgia, visited us for a few days.
K loved having him around. I guess he thought he was his very own personal playmate.
Each time John left the room K would ask " Where John go?"

Cousins. So sweet!

 Here are some of the pics from the 4th of July.
It was K's 1st year to see the fireworks. Last year it rained and the year before he was too young, so I had to take him this year.

He loved it!
It made my heart melt just watching him get so excited.

Stay tuned for part two!  If I ever get around to it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Great photos!!

    Looks like you guys are having a fantastic summer :)
