ten on tuesday

Ten random things that are going on or on my mind...

1. Today K went to the audiologist for a check up on his cochlear implants. They checked his settings and did a hearing test. In the sound booth he consistently responded to sound at the 15 decibel range. ( my non C.I. peeps- that  is considered to be in the"normal hearing" range.) Yay! I wasn't too surprised with this result because he has been doing so well with his listening and speaking.  K has become our new pet parrot, repeating EVERYTHING we say. He even dropped his first "F bomb" courtesy of his father and a stubbed toe.     Whoops!!

  I love how his shirt says "I'm all ears!"

2. I will admit that I dabble in some reality TV....... well maybe a little more than dabble, so naturally I had to check out Bravo TV's Most Eligible Dallas, since I live in Dallas.
Um yeah, it's the epitome of why people hate Dallas.
Watch it and see, or better yet don't. We don't need any more haters. Makes me want to move. My friend said they need to rename it to Most Disgusting Dallas. I agree.

 Speaking of watching Dallas reality shows, the one you should watch is Children's Med Dallas . Its a five- part documentary behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at this children's hospital. I might be a little biased since I have a "slight" connection to it. ;) You can catch up via You Tube.

 3. Move over Elmo, Mickey Mouse has taken over our house. K has fallen in love with that little mouse and his friends. He talks about them all the time and wants to watch old Mickey cartoons or the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show on the Disney channel all day and everyday. We have had to really limit his TV watching time because of this new obsession. I really get a kick out of how he says Goofy- "Foopy"

Our latest trip to the Disney Store- he made out like a bandit!

4.  The other night we went out with some old friends. Just out to dinner and a local bar. ONE "Mambo Taxi"  at dinner and this momma was ready to call it a night. We ended up going to the bar with everyone because we had the sitter booked, but ended up leaving early. This old lady just can't hang anymore :(

5.  Anyone else out there hate Bathtub crayons? Unless you enjoy scrubbing your bathtub every night do not buy them. They take some serious elbow grease to scrub them off. No kid could do it alone. I even had to bust out the bleach to get the crud left in the grout lines. Serious UGH!

6.  Why is it that pretty much everyone I know:  Just had a baby,  is pregnant, or is trying to get pregnant?
Except for me- the jury is still out on that one.
I'm not complaining, just an observation ;)

My sweet boy on his birthday

7.  Yesterday was back to school. K doesn't start his school until next year, but each time I heard it mentioned my stomach dropped. I'm already nervous and we still have a year to go!
 Do you take this as good or bad?!

8.   We are slowly making our way on the potty train, as in potty training. K doesn't seem too interested in it at all. Each time I ask him if he wants to potty in the toilet he tells me "No, I pee-pee in diaper!" I can tell this is going to be a long ride. Here is one of the "potty" books I bought him. His favorite part is when they talk about changing the baby's diaper. Go figure!

9. I'm slowly becoming  addicted to Pinterest. I now have recipes, crafts, and home decor ideas to last me a lifetime. They are simple ideas, which is why it is so addicting. The only dumb thing about it is that you have to have an invite to join the site.  If you want an invite, just shoot me an e-mail.

10. And because I don't like to live drama free and I enjoy spending all my free time at the doctors office, I now get to see a hematologist ( blood doc). I have been having issues with my blood vessels breaking at the slightest touch. I have always bruised easily, but now the vessels on my hands and arms are causing too much discomfort. So far may basic lab work has come back normal, so that is why my PCP wants me to see a specialist. Fun times!

my latest friend

11. I know this post is TEN on TUESDAY, but my stupid computer would not let me post it until today. Oh well!!

1 comment:

  1. wow, k is getting SO big and has such a little boys look to him! So dang cute!! 15db is amazing!

    hmmm, mambo taxi -possibly mi cocina? It was my fave happy hour drink when I worked in the business world in Plano - and yes, one is all you need! lol which reminds me, I need to check out that show. I've been missing DFW lately, maybe it will remind me to be happy where I'm at! haha

    good luck with the potty training. k sounds like aiden with wanting to pee in his diaper. Aiden alway says, "No uhnerwear, peepee in diaper." Fortunately, we're almost 100% trained, but it did take a lot of time and stickers!
