Take me out to the Ball Game!

Recently my husband's company gave us suite tickets to the Rangers vs Red Sox game, so we took this opportunity to go out on a date!
We both love going to baseball games, but since the ballpark is quite a trek from home, we don't go often. In fact, we realized the last game we went to was when we got my family together to announce we were expecting!

 It was opening week and weather was perfect.
The Ballpark was perfect.

I love being at the ballpark, seeing all the families together and I love how it brings out all those childhood memories.

Proud to be American. Proud to be a Texan!

  another one of my favorite things about going to the ballpark...
The hot dogs!
 I keep it simple, just a little mustard please!
 oh and don't forget the peanuts!

It was a great day spent with the hubby. The only thing missing was my K. Hopefully we can get his allergies in check and bring him with us next time.

1 comment:

  1. You almost had me jumping in my seat when I read "announce" and "expecting" lol. Serves me right for reading too fast. Love the date nights, they are so important.
