
K has a " slight" obsession with Elmo right now.

He goes everywhere we go...
restaurants, grocery stores, birthday parties....

K loves to share his bananas with him each morning, leaving mommy to have to scrape them out of Elmo's mouth later. Fun times.

He's just part of the family.

So to help K get his daily Elmo fix I took  him to see Sesame Street Live, Elmo's Healthy Heroes!

K and his cousin Nolan, and yes we gave into buying the overpriced toys.

K was so excited he kept on yelling out "Melmo and B bird!" and looking back at me as if to say "mom are ya seeing this?!"
Can you guess what the letter of the day was?
The number of the day was1 but all the moms thought it should have been 15. $15 dollars for parking, $15 toys, $15 food... UGH!!

The boys playing with their "Melmo round and rounds"

Kemper's little girlfriend Ella and her mommy Olivia joined the fun. Funny how our kids don't look too impressed, but I promise you they were!
I bet you can't guess what K's 2nd birthday theme is! ;) ;)


  1. how cute! The show looked awesome & im glad he had a great time! I know what u mean about the over price of everything to do with kids shows! lol
    But he sure does love elmo! And at least he is a cute! :)

  2. I took Reagan to see Sesame Street Live when they came here a few months ago. She absolutely LOVED it! I would take her again. I totally understand about everything being overpriced, I couldn't believe how much ONE of the balloons cost. Looks like you & your little man had a good time. I love seeing my little one get so excited over all the different characters out there :)
