Go Stars!!

K went to his very first professional hockey game! ( yes we have one in Texas)
Dallas Stars vs. Nashville Predators
We have a family full of hockey fans. My older sister Maria ( a.k.a. the nephew whisperer) has season tickets, so she took K as her date. My mom, younger sister, and her little boy also came along. Maria even got the boys little hockey jerseys to wear to the game.

Elmo even got to go to the game. Elmo has become our version of the American Express card. Don't leave home without it him!! This picture makes me laugh. I think K looks like a Sesame Street character himself, with those big brown eyes and shaggy hair!

K with his grandmother "Wela" (abuela), best seat in the house.

K even made some new friends at the game. Notice the man in the background? He has bilateral cochlear implants too!! Crazy, a stadium with thousands of seats and they just happened sit next to each other. He told my mom that he was implanted 10 years ago at the age of 20 and he has been very happy with them. I think it made his day to see another C.I. user too.

My sister has been wanting to take him to a game for the longest time, but I was hesitant thinking it would be too much for him. As you can tell I was wrong!

No nap that day and K was wired! He finally crashed at 8pm that night and didn't wake up until about 9:30 the next morning!

In the end the Stars won and it was a great day! K says thanks to his aunts and his Wela!


  1. Looks like he had a great time! And thats so cool that he was near someone else who had implants! I never had ANY experience with deaf or HOH ppl untill Savannah & now i see kids & adults everywhere with CI's & HAs. I always get so giddy :)
    He is such a gorgeous lil man too! Im jealous i LOVE the hockey..but no hockey here in Aus :(

  2. It's such a small world! How crazy that you all were sitting right by another CI user! I've run into families with children with CIs, but not any adults (besides at mapping appts). We LOVED going to see the Stars when we lived down there! So fun!

  3. He is so adorable with those big brown eyes! That was so cool to be sitting near another CI recipient. I love it when we run into people with CI's.
