Pilot Cap

The pilot cap I bought Kemper to help keep his hearing aids on came in. He can't quite get to his ears now but he has figured out that if unties the the strings under his chin he can pull the cap off. I tried double knotting it but then he pulls on the strings so hard it pulls on the cap causing his HA's to dislodge under the cap. Smart boy! My husband is not a huge fan his first reaction was " You know he's a boy, right?" He also said he looks like an Amish swimmer. I think he looks pretty darn cute!!


  1. Haha! Never thought of them looking like an Amish swimmer! Too funny. Hopefully the ties will lose their novelty and the hats end up working! Aiden always got his little fingers up under the hats and still pulled his aids out. Good luck! Your little cutie is getting so big!

  2. I saw your post on Melanie's page about making a decision on which implant. If you want to talk to me about AB I can give you real life details since we have lived it. Just like Mel can tell you about the Med El. Please feel free to contact me.
