6 Months!!

Sweet Baby K you are 6 Months old today!!

* You wear size 2-3 diapers
* You wear size 6-9 month clothing
* Go to bed 9-10ish and wake up around 6:30am with occasional middle of the night feedings
* We don't have a weight on you yet but you go to the Dr. next week, mommy thinks about 16lbs
* You LOVE to EAT EAT EAT! We don't know where it goes, must be your turbo metabolism.
* carrots, green beans, and prunes are your favorite baby foods
* You will refuse any type of formula and will ONLY drink mommy's milk(mommy is struggling to keep up!!)

* Your little personality is coming out, such a stinker! you cry when Mommy or Daddy leaves your sight.
* you love a great game of peek-a-boo
* you love to look at books, especially the touch and feel kind
* love your bonding time with Daddy two nights a week when mommy goes to work
* Still love bath time
* You grab at anything in sight, nothing is safe!
* You have become a biter :( Mommy is not pleased!
* You have discovered your hearing aids and think they make fabulous chew toys

* You are no longer my pet rock, you love to roll and move around
* You move around so much mommy had the hardest time taking your picture
* You are still my little Bear, but we hear that 6 months is usually the "magical" month and maybe your colic will come to an end. PLEASE??
* You are loved by all and we love watching you grow

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