Women and Wine

My sister recently gave me a painting from one of my favorite artists Kathy Womack. She was even able to meet her and have it signed.
Kathy Womack has a beautiful "Women and Wine" series of paintings that I have always loved. They are beautiful paintings of ladies all dressed up having a good time together. Her inspiration comes from being a busy mom that sometimes just wants to get dressed up, call the babysitter, and hit the town with her girlfriends. Something all girls want to do even if they don't have kids!
My newest favorite is the one my sister got for me, although it is not part of the Women and Wine series I love it just as much because it is of a baby shower. It was her gift to me to welcome Baby K into the world. Isn't it beautiful!?

Mom, Kathy,& My sister Maria

1 comment:

  1. I love Kathy womacks work,I have three of her pieces and love everything she does, that how I found your blog!! May God bless you and your family!! I am Texan too!
