Bitter Sweet

Baby K's ENT called and gave me the results on his MRI, his auditory canal structure is intact as well as his auditory nerve, which means Baby K can get his cochlear implants when he turns 12 months or maybe earlier!

It still kills me that he has to go through all this but at least he is now well on his way to the hearing world!

Now on to dealing with insurance...


  1. I'm so happy for you guys! We just went through all of this with Troy a few months believe me when I say I know how hard it is. The MRI killed me, but the good news that he could get the CI at 12 months was a huge relief! I'm so happy for you and your family that things are moving along!

  2. My son just had his bilateral implant surgery Friday...I was exactly where you are not long ago and wish you the best of luck! We seriously called the insurance company everyday! It worked, our little guy will be activated on Sept. 3rd! It's amazing to know that our deaf little miracles will be able to hear! We call them "super ears" at hour house and how super they will be! I can't wait to hear that you have approval and will follow your blog! Feel free to check out Evan's...
    I will be praying for you and adorable baby K!
    Clarissa Welsh(Evan's mommy)
