Halloween 2013

oh yes we did.

I've always loved Halloween.
It means meeting up with friends and family, getting dressed up as your favorite characters, and getting lots of candy! Apparently I've passed this onto my son. He couldn't wait for Halloween this year. He had his costume for this year picked out November 1st of last year! He also had ours picked out as well. ;) Last year he was Jake, from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. He is still obsessed with the Story of Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and anything having to do with Pirates.  I remember one of the first things he said after finding out that he was going to have a baby sister was " She can be Tinkerbell for Halloween!"

 The weather was perfect, cool but not cold enough to have to wear a jacket and ruin your costume.We did the annual stroll in my parents neighborhood where I grew up.  My sister and her family joined us once again. My nephew Nolan was so excited to be the Red Power Ranger.

Halloween 2013- Halloween 2009

I love looking back and comparing. Funny, I bet these people don't know we take a picture with their decorations each year ;)

Kendall's first Halloween.
Sweetest little Tinkerbell ever.

Like I said I love to compare.
 Kemper top row on his first Halloween and bottom row Kendy.

Just a few of Kendall's Halloween outfits. She's so festive already ;)

 Just to show you some things never change!!

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