One week from today...

 We find out....


To say I can't wait is an understatement.  It's been driving me crazy not knowing. I'm definitely not the type of person that can wait till the day of the birth to find out. This girl has to plan and decorate!!;) In fact my sister wants us to have a small gender reveal with our family. She wants us to have the doctor put the results in an envelope and she will create something/some way  to announce the gender to us and the family at the same time. Only thing is I'm not sure I have the self control not to rip open that envelope before it gets to her. (Stay tuned to see how weak or strong I am.)

Now this is where I answer the "what are you hoping for?" question everyone has been asking me.
A Girl.
Why? because I have a boy and it would be great to experience both worlds. Simple as that. I'm not gonna give the "as long as it's healthy" blah blah blah. Hello that's a given. Does anyone else get annoyed when they hear that? For some reason when I hear that all I think is What if it's not? or it is healthy but has some kind of other issue, you don't want it then? Maybe I'm just over thinking it, but sometimes the PC talk drives me crazy. And why is it more acceptable for the father to say "I want a boy" than it is for the mother to say her preference? Ok, I'll get off my soap box now. In the end I think it's okay to have a preference as long as you are totally fine if you end up not getting it. I'll be absolutely content with another little boy. We already have his name picked out ( hers is still up in the air) and what his nursery will look like. I've even had visions of my two grown up boys towering over me in our Christmas pictures.It will be awesome either way. We are having another baby and I am grateful for that!

What do you think it is?

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I'd say it's a girl. :) We can find out in about a month, but we are pretty set on getting a surprise on delivery day. We didn't find out with Sophie, but I find that I'm much more anxious to know this time. What's six more months, right?!

    Hope you are feeling well!
