Happy 3rd Birthday!

  • You weigh about 30lbs
  • You wear size 2T-3T clothes.
  • You wear a size nine shoe.
  • You still take naps most days.
  • You are a great eater. Mexican food is your favorite.
  • You do not care for ice cream much, but you never turn down cake.
  • You are a night owl and it's hard to get you to bed.
  • You are almost potty trained; #1 yes, #2 no ;-)

  • You love to watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Peppa Pig cartoons
  • You have a great sense of humor, you even make up your own jokes.
  • You still take a bit to warm up to unfamiliar faces, but after you do, you're a clown.
  • You are a VERY well behaved toddler.You don't get into things and rarely have to be disciplined (your parents would love to take credit for this, but that's just how you are).
  • You are a very cautious child and not much of a risk taker, but you still know how to have fun.

  •  Your speaking and listening skills impress us everyday.
  • You are a very bossy toddler (well at least to your parents you are).
  • You go to "school" - Mothers Day Out once a week. You were originally not a fan, but now you enjoy it very much.
  • You love music. You will request to have the radio, or one of your CD's, turned on each time you are in the car.
  • You are a home body. You love to be home with your parents.
  • You do not like animals. Only family pets don't terrify you.
  • You are most definitely our Gift from Above
Happy Birthday sweet "Baby K"!!!


    1. Happy Birthday, Baby K! Mexican food is my favorite too!

    2. Sweet post! ;) Happy 3rd Birthday, Kemper!

    3. Happy birthday Kemper! What a grown up little guy you have there! Love mexican too :)

    4. Is that a wallpaper behind? It looks amazing! Happy birthday to the little one. I hope it went well. My nephew also turned three this year and we had a grand celebration in one of the San Francisco venues. A customized t-shirt is actually a good idea, I’ll keep that in mind.
