Party in my city! Yo Gabba Gabba Live!!

It's been a while since I last posted. I have tons of draft posts, but I just can never get around to finishing them. I swear it was just Thanksgiving yesterday! Anyway to get caught up I guess I will just work my way backwards from last weekend when I took K to see YO GABBA GABBA LIVE!

Ok, so if you don't have children or live under a rock and you don't know what Yo Gabba Gabba is, let me explain...  Yo Gabba Gabba is a children's TV show on Nick Jr. It consists of six of the weirdest characters you will ever see singing and dancing  in a crazy, retro, almost psychedelic, 80's Atari video game style. I guess its the latest version on the Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, Sesame Street, that I grew up on. It too teaches valuable lessons such as "All my friends are different", "Don't bite your friends" "There's a party in my tummy" (eat your veggies). I don't quite get it, but K loves it!

K and his cousin Nolan on the way to see "Abba Abba" ( as K calls it). They were so excited just to be sitting next to each other in the car.

 We had great seats, no one blocking our view!

Olivia, my old college roommate joined us with her little girl Ella.

 There were bubbles, balloons, singing, and dancing. They were in toddler heaven.

 To tell you the truth I was very worried about taking K to this live show. I knew it would be loud and a possible sensory overload, but he did great. He really liked it. As soon as he saw the characters come on the stage he had a huge smile on his face. He recognized the songs and started to do a little shimmy like dance. He would clap his hands and I would even catch him patting his hand on his lap to the beat. It was awesome!  I'll admit it, tears came to my eyes because he was having such a great time. He could hear and understand the music and loved it!

My child, who does not have an attention span at all, watched the entire show in fascination. There was no whining, crying, asking for his paci. I couldn't believe it.

A must see show!


  1. We LOVE Yo Gabba Gabba!!! Glad K enjoyed the show!!!

  2. I would have never thought to take Ben to a concert for toddlers! Maybe he would like it too. (ALso a guy with no attention span :)) What are you using to hold Kemper's ears on?
