I need a haircut. Part 3

 My sons hair grows like a weed and  he definitely did not get it from me. I didn't have hair until I was like four years old. My husband on the other hand looked like he needed a haircut in every picture taken after he was born.
 At 12 months K got his first official "go to the salon" haircut because my sister said he looked like Jim Halpert from the TV show The Office. As you can see...

At 14.5 months we went back to the salon because my brother said he looked like Jimmy Neutron...

And now at 17.5 months we are back ...

 because Mommy thinks he is sporting the teen singing sensation Justin Bieber look...

What do you think??


  1. Hilarious! and oh so cute! I can't believe how big he is getting! What a looker he his! Aiden's hair is the same way, except when it starts getting long, out come all the waves and it's totally uncontrollable!
