I need a hair cut. Bad. Again.

Remember this post? well it's been 2.5 months and I'm ready for another haircut!

Now my uncle thinks I look like Jimmy Neutron!

What do you think?!!

I love going to Cool Cuts 4 kids I get to drive my car and watch Elmo!

look at all that hair!

My cousin Nolan came too.

How do I look?

My mom even bought me my first bottle of hair gel, so I can always look extra sharp!

A stop by the trains before we head home.

Next time we get faux Hawks!!


  1. you are definitely one busy lady with that cutie pie! you say you don't have time - but your blog is adorable! thanks for the sweet comments and entering our giveaway! have a fantastic week =)

  2. LOL the "bad haircut" looks so cute!
    he does looks like Jimmy Neutron with that haircut!!!!!
