I'm stuffed!! Thanksgiving recap

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we sure did!! We had lots of food, fun, family, and a little shopping. Here's our recap, children's story version:

We took our annual trip to San Angelo to visit my husband's side of the family.

Grandmother Mary Joy makes the best Thanksgiving feast!

She even made little Kemper his very own homemade sweet potatoes.

Baby K was in heaven. He got constant attention as he was passed around and around...

and around...

K became a big boy and sat in a highchair at a restaurant for the first time. Mimi Janie was so excited!

and he was so proud!

PaPa Bill was proud too!

After Lunch we did a little shopping.

and then Baby K got to meet Santa!!

Baby K's priceless expression as he watched his daddy trip and almost fall into the fountain!!

We can't wait to do it again next year!

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