Wonderful Idea

I have worked as an ICU nurse for the last seven years, primarily working with infants and children with congenital heart defects. These children are very sick and often require surgery or even a heart transplant. It's a difficult job dealing with sadness, grief, and death almost on a daily basis. Many parents often ask me "How do you do it?" and I often tell them I can do it because I find it very rewarding being able to help these children in need. Although, when I do get asked this question by the parents I often think in my head "No, how do YOU do it?" The way I see it, it's a lot easier on my side of the bed. I'm not having to deal with the terrible stress these parents are under. I don't have to practically live in a hospital. I get to go home, see my family, take care of my needs, and not have to wonder if my child is going to make it trough the night. So When I found this site Survival Mode Parent I had to share it. The goal of this website is to match people who need help while their child is in the hospital to people who are willing to provide that help. Something as simple as making a meal, or offering to do some laundry could do wonders. So if you or anyone you know has some time to help take a look at this wonderful organization.


  1. I think it's great too, and I signed up! Lucas had a rough 1st year - 8 days in the NICU, 5 days @ 3 months for RSV, 5 days @ 6 months for suspected meningitis, in addition to all of the HL appointments and tests. I hope I can be there someday to help another family in the same situation.
