Always, Sometimes, Never

I always

* worry too much
* multi task
* am up for seafood
* have at least 5 half empty water bottles on my night stand
* drive over the speed limit ( only by 5!!)
* wanted kids
* tell my hubby and baby I love you
* talk to my mom everyday
* pray

I sometimes

* lose my temper
* forget to eat
* get lost going to places I've been before
* like the rain
* watch really bad reality shows
* imagine what it would be like if I won the lotto

I never

* stop thinking or analyzing
* go to bed early
* swear without feeling guilty afterwards
* smoke
* sleep through the night
* want to go back to high school
* want to take blessings for granted

What about you?


  1. I live in Texas and have gotten REALLY REALLY good at parenting Deaf kiddos. I have two. I'd love to talk to you and see if maybe I can answer some questions and offer some tips. My e-mail is

  2. This was a cool way to give insight into your life.
