Nada, zilch, nothing, big fat goose egg

Is the response we got from Baby K when we tested out his hearing aids at the audiologist. Although all they did was put us in the booth, sit him on my lap, introduce noises to him, and watch his face his see if he responded. Heck we do that all the time at home for free and get the same results! Not that I really expected any huge results considering he is deaf due to a flawed Connexin 26 gene. This flawed gene in general causes the hair cells in the ear (that transmit sound) to die off or not function properly resulting in hearing loss. So chances are the hearing aids will never work but I will continue to put them on just in case there are a few hair cells hanging around waiting to stimulate that auditory nerve.
We go back to the audiologist next month to get him some new ear molds because he will be grown out of the ones he has now by then and they will probably turn up the volume on his aids to see if that helps his hearing.


  1. Have you all inquired about implants before 12 months? I am sure it is frustrating waiting and knowing he can't hear you. Just keep talking! It will be great practice up for the near future :o)

    Also, a consistent no response will confirm your choice for a CI, if you need confirmation.

    Enjoy that cute little guy! They grow too fast! I can't believe mine is already 6 months...

  2. Oh how I remember when Aiden was this small and I looked and looked and looked for any little response. Just keep trying and talk, talk, talk! That auditory nerve is being worked one way or another! Plus it is great practice learning to narrate everything now!

    Enjoy your precious little man! He is just too adorable!

  3. Just remember that even though it does not seem like he is getting any benifit from the hearing aids you are training his auditory nerve and brain to accept sound when he does get his implant. You are also getting him use to wearing something on his ears.

    You have a sweet little boy!!
