The results are in...

We now have a reason for Baby K's hearing loss. Our genetic testing came back and my husband I are carriers of the flawed Connexin 26 gene that is associated with hearing loss. Although it was an answer it was still hard news to take. Any children we have in the future now have a 25% chance of also being deaf. We thought what were the odds that two people would plan a trip to Vegas for the same weekend, sit next to each other on the plane, fall in love, and both be carriers of the same mutated gene? So random! I'm thinking we need to get some lottery tickets!
Luckily Connexin 26 is nonsyndromic so his hearing loss is not associated with other signs and symptoms. As opposed to syndromic deafness which involves hearing loss that occurs with abnormalities in other parts of the body. The ENT told us that this makes Baby K a very likely candidate for cochlear implants.
In all I am just happy to have an answer. I can stop looking up everything I took during my pregnancy and also stop second guessing every little thing that I did or happened while I was pregnant. We can now continue on in Baby K's journey into the hearing world.

P.S. Our audiologist was able to track us down some loaner hearing aids, which will help so much since our insurance does not cover them.
Here is some info about the benefits of genetic testing I found on another blog.


  1. I'm glad you have your answer. I think it's so important for closure.

    That's awesome about the loaner aids! We too had loaner aids, and then Lucas got his CI, and we never had to purchase aids!

  2. It's so nice to have an answer !

    Ben got his aids when he was 9 weeks old. I think it is lucky to start so soon. You can get used to putting them on before he knows they are there. Ben is now 5 months and just starting to take his out. Built in teethers...GREAT!

  3. Yay!! I know it brings peace to your heart to have some answers....and to have some loaner ear pieces to help out! Great news!!

  4. The loaner aids are great! :) We never had to buy any because we got our CIs after about 7 months of her wearing them.

    I think one of the hardest parts for me was always wondering...did i do something when i was pregnant? So I am so glad you know for sure!
