Kissing Cousins

*pause music at bottom*

Nolan loves his new cousin, he thinks he's "cool" (his new word).He loves giving him kisses and petting him. I love seeing them together, it's going to be so much fun watching them grow up together.


  1. So sweet!!! I love it! I hope you are doing well. Kemper is just beautiful!

  2. My sister has a son who is 1 month younger than Lucas, and it's so much fun!!!

  3. Precious! Can't wait to meet him!!

  4. Lovely lil boy you have. I wish him a very happy and successful entry into the world of speech and language.I would like to advise you to keep off signs and encourage him to be in the world of AVT, as I have benifited greatly in the case of my 5yr old daughter. All the best.
