How can you deny this beautiful face?

"He who hath ears, let him hear!" Matthew 11:15

Today Baby K had his appointment with the audiologist to get fitted for his hearing aids. They made molds of his ears and his hearing aids should arrive in a couple of weeks. He's deaf so why does he need hearing aids you ask? Well just for the slight chance that he may get some hearing out of them and to help stimulate his auditory nerves.It is also part of the process we must take in order to become a candidate for the cochlear implants.
I must admit I'm not looking forward to the hearing aid trial. Trying to keep hearing aids on an infant, having to get new molds made every few weeks as he grows, listening to the constant feedback, oh yeah and paying for the darn things. Apparently many insurance companies including mine do not cover hearing aids.I guess they just don't consider them a life or death need. How about quality of life you morons!? Anyway luckily some other moms told me about getting some loaner hearing aids, so then all we have to pay for are the molds and services. Thankfully our audiologist said that she would work on getting the loaners for us, so that will help us a great deal.
We also recently found out that our insurance company will not cover the cost of the cochlear implants either. I thought we might have a battle to get both implants, I never thought that we were going to have to fight to get one! Granted right now we don't even know if Baby K is a candidate for CI's but somehow I knew we would start running into obstacles like this. So soon we will start our battle with the insurance company and searching for other avenues so that our son will be able to hear someday. So for right now prayer will have to be our insurance!


  1. I'm sorry to hear your insurance won't even pay for the cochlear implants. If you go that route, let me know when it's time to start the process. I may have some resources to help you. I have collected some research and have access to research other families have collected in support of bilateral cochlear implants and the fact that they are MEDICALLY NECESSARY. I'll help any way I can. I just can't believe some insurance companies are still denying coverage for CIs. Ridiculous!

  2. You're right... hearing aids on a baby are not that much fun. But it will be worth it in the end. Get yourself a pilot cap by Hanna Andersson. They work wonders! I might even have an extra one to send you, if you're interested.

    Have you considered applying for medical assistance? I don't know how it works in Texas, but in PA, all children with hearing loss under the age of 18, regardless of financial need, are covered by medical assistance. Our private insurance also pays for nothing - hearing aids, audiologist visits, CI surgery - nothing. It's "not medically necessary"... until someone close to them is born deaf. But MA has paid for everything, and we have yet to see a bill. So thankful!

    If you continue to have problems, contact the Let Them Hear Foundation. Although I've never worked with them, I've heard they've done many wonderful things.

  3. Helen, he is absolutely precious! Will be keeping you guys in our prayers as you embark on this long, tough journey....
    :) julie

  4. We fought the same battle and won! We wrote our own appeal letter, included the most recent research supporting bilateral implants, etc. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want a copy of our letter, recent research, etc. It is an emotional rollercoaster, but you will get it covered!

    And, pilot caps were our only saving grace along with bonnets, but that won't work for your little guy! Good luck and you will be in our prayers!
