Guess what Wii got the Birthday Boy?

Wii celebrated Kemper's birthday with a nice quite dinner out at one of our favorite fondue restaurants, The Melting Pot. When Wii got home I surprised Kemper with the Nintendo Wii game system. Wii are not huge video game players but I figured the Wii Fit games would come in handy after the baby is born, since Wii won't be leaving the house too often. The following night Wii went over to my parents house and celebrated Kemper's birthday again with my side of the family. My mom baked a cake in the shape of a golf ball and cooked one of his favorite meals, fajitas. Next weekend Wii are going to San Angelo to celebrate his birthday again with his side of the family.Wii all have to spoil him now with attention because in two months all attention will be on the baby!

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