30 weeks!

I have just hit the 30 week mark, only about 10 more weeks to go! Although some days I feel like I will never make it. The tiredness, hip, and back pain are starting to set in and the braxton hicks contractions are already in full swing. Everyone tells me to get plenty of sleep now while I can ( believe me I'm trying) but a kick to the bladder and ribs at 3am each morning doesn't help! Oh and I am clumsier than ever now, the other day I was carrying my lunch tray and I knocked over my drink with my belly and made a mess everywhere, so embarrassing. All this and 10 more weeks to go OH BOY!!

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute!! I wish I looked that cute when I'm pregnant! Enjoy this time and just remember they're easier to take care of on the inside then when they come out! Where are you going to deliver? Hope you are doing well.
