Making room for Baby K

Here is the bedding that I have picked out for baby Kemper's room. I plan on accenting his room with airplanes, since on an airplane is where mommy and daddy met. I think it is very simple bedding not too baby or too grown up looking, just very calm and peaceful. His crib will also be a dark wood stain as pictured, but a different style. I just haven't exactly decided on the crib that I want, decisions decisions!!


  1. Hey girl!!! How are you? I can not believe that you are having a baby!! I am soo excited for you guys. You are going to make such a great mommy! Let me know when you have a shower, I would love to see you. I miss working with you guys but it was just too much to work there. Work over here is good, not too much stress. Congratulations again, I'm going to keep up with your blog!

  2. Hi there-

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog....and you're a fellow Red Raider, so even better! :-)

    I just watched the video of you telling your hubby you were pregnant - very cute!

    Here's a link to the crib that I "have to have" when the time comes.....(Harper Crib from Pottery Barn)|b

    Again, thanks for stopping by!
