Let the nesting begin!!

28 weeks

I have hit the 28 week mark and now I am ready to start cleaning and getting things ready for baby Kemper. A friend of mine helped me with my baby registry last weekend (Thanks Jenara!!)It's crazy how much stuff you need for such a tiny little thing! I've always known babies were expensive, but this baby business is out of control, just take one trip to Babies R Us and you will see what I mean.

I have totally fallen in love with Restoration Hardware Baby and Child. (http://www.rhbabyandchild.com/rhbc/index.jsp) They have such beautiful ideas for little boys and girls rooms. I found Kemper's crib bedding here and luckily for me it was on sale. RH tends to be a little on the expensive side, so I have been using them as inspiration and attempting to make some of the items I see myself. Here are the letters I painted to go above Kemper's crib.

My letters $3 each letter

Restoration Hardware $16 each letter

Some more letters I made for my friend Olivia due Feb. 4th

Making room for Baby K

Here is the bedding that I have picked out for baby Kemper's room. I plan on accenting his room with airplanes, since on an airplane is where mommy and daddy met. I think it is very simple bedding not too baby or too grown up looking, just very calm and peaceful. His crib will also be a dark wood stain as pictured, but a different style. I just haven't exactly decided on the crib that I want, decisions decisions!!

My bel-ly, my bel-ly, wherever I go....

26 Weeks

Time has really flown by. On Monday I will hit the 27 week mark, only three more months to go!! I haven't put any belly pictures up so I thought better late than never. I even got Kemper to take a 26 week belly picture as a joke but I was forbidden to post it.
I think baby Kemper has plans of playing soccer in his future because day and night all he does is kick me. His favorite spot is my lower right rib, although as uncomfortable as it is it is still the best, most amazing feeling in the world! Sometimes at night we will just lay in bed staring at my belly watching him kick wondering what he is going to be and look like. We can't wait to meet him!

No Granny car here!!

For New Years my Dad surprised my mom with a brand new car!! A 2009 c350 Mercedes benz. For years and years my mom toted us around in her mini van, and with four kids that was a lot of driving around. At one time, because we were four years apart, she had to drive to preschool, kindergarden, Jr. High & Highschool twice a day to pick us up and drop us off. So now that her youngest child is 25 years old it's about time she is driving a nice sporty car just for her. We love you Mom!! You're going to be one good lookin' grandma!!

Happy New Year!!

Our Baby New Year!

All the "Kids" hanging out

MI Familia

My grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins came all the way from Florida to celebrate the the New Year with us. We all hung out at my parents house playing games and eating tons of food.

Recap of Christmas moments

Gifts,gifts galore!!

Nolan and his daddy, Zach opening his gifts

Kemper with his one of many UT gifts I gave him

My sister Christine with her purple handbag she wanted so much

Mom and Dad opening their gifts

Matching outfits for Nolan and Baby K from Grandma

Christmas Morning with our family's own Santa Baby, Nolan

Kemper and I Christmas Eve going to the midnight service at Church