Kemper turns 5

 Kemper turns 5!!!
April 7th 2014

  • You wear 3T, 4T &5T clothing.  You are a skinny yet tall little boy. You need the waist of a 3T-4T but need the length of a 5T.  Finding clothes that fit is a challenge.
  • You don't eat much, we joke that you are on an air diet. Playing is more important I guess.
  • Your favorite food is pizza with TONS of parmesan cheese.
  • You love to watch Scooby Doo, Tom and Jerry, any Disney movies, and the Despicable Me movies.
  • You are amazing when it comes to electronics.

  • You have the best sense of humor, you even crack your own jokes.
  • You are the best big brother, you protect your sister at all times.
  •  You love to read books and are excited about learning to read.
  •  You are right on track for starting Kindergarten in the Fall.

This year Kemper wanted to have his party at Bounce U with a Peter Pan theme. While I love Peter Pan it's almost impossible to find Peter Pan party supplies.

Kemper has never been the type of child to stray from his parents side. The only time he takes off at lightning speed is when we have his birthday at Bounce U. He's nowhere to be found!

Kendall in her Tinkerbell outfit had a blast at her brothers party.

The "spider web" was a hit.

Kemper's beautiful cake.
 It was almost too pretty to eat. Like I said, it was almost impossible to find Peter Pan themed party supplies so I had to hunt for a baker that could make me a cake that had Captain Hook on it per K's request. Luckily Piece Of Cake Bakery was able to do that for me.

I didn't want to spend a fortune on a cake, so I just ordered K a smaller personal cake and had cupcakes with Peter Pan toppers I found on Etsy.

We put trick candles on the cake, so K needed some help when it came to blowing them out.

I think the cup cakes were a hit.
All the kids turned into tiny Incredible Hulks hyped up on sugar!

It was such a wonderful day. We are so thankful or all the friends and family that came out to celebrate with us.
Goody bags filled with candy for all the kids.

Play Ball!!

This summer we decided it was a good time to sign Kemper up for T-Ball. He's five, a perfect age to start right? Apparently I didn't get the memo that you're supposed to sign your kid up for sports while still in utero. Turns out K was the only kid on the team that had not previously played before. Most of the others had been playing for at least two years! This was going to be his first time in a group sport activity, so naturally we were a little nervous.  Kemper has always been a homebody, keep to himself kinda kid so we weren't exactly sure how it would go. Luckily it all turned out for the best!

We took him to the park down the street to test out his batting skills. He was a natural with a really good swing!! Nothing like Daddy/son moments to melt your heart.

Baby sister loved getting outside to watch her brother practice. We had to give her her own ball because she insisted on practicing herself. Softball may be in her future, she has a great arm!

We decided to have Kemper try T-ball first, mainly because it is a non contact sport (for the most part) When you have cochlear implants it's just something you think about. I know other CI recipients have done/do contact sports, but this being our first time doing any type of sports we didn't want the extra worry of him hitting his head. Although, in the planning process it didn't even cross our minds that the children are required to wear batting helmets while at bat. Cochlear implants and helmets really don't make the best combination. I think we tried every helmet out there to find one that would fit comfortably over his CI's without knocking them off. We originally tried the Adidas Incite batting helmet . It was a helmet that you could put on and then turn a dial that would tighten the helmet to your head for a more custom fit. We loved it and the idea. The only problem we had was that K has a tiny pea head like his mother and we could not get the helmet tight enough. I was just loose enough to knock his coils off his head when he moved. Total bummer. Next we moved onto a regular Rawlings T-ball Helmet   We were able to get a tighter fit with this one but his processors and coils did not have enough room. To help with this my husband cut off a small portion of the 1st foam layer of padding around his ear and where the coils would go. While I don't recommend removing padding from a safety helmet, I was okay with this because very little was removed and  this is T-ball not the major leagues. I think we will be okay!!

Kemper still loves anything that has to do with Pirates so I found it so fitting that his team name was the Pirates.
My skinny little thing, I think his uniform wore him.

Kemper had a great coach this season. He challenged the boys and was very patient them. He also made them work as a team and encourage each other. I loved that when a player would make it to home plate all the boys in the dugout would yell like a pirate ARRRRGGGGHHH!!

 A few games into the season Kemper's coach was looking for a little help so my husband stepped in as an assistant coach. K loved having his Dad on the field and having someone there to help him with his batting helmet.

I had a crush on the assistant coach.

This is what 5year old T-ball looks like.
I love Kemper's clueless facial expression, the coaches all pointing in different directions, kids playing in the dirt... It's not the easiest sport to teach or learn for sure!!

So thankful for such a great group of boys and coaches.

My sister made Kendall her own Pirate uniform. It had a Pirate skull on her shorts and a number 7 on the back of her shirt. She was an adorable little cheerleader on the sidelines. She would clap and get so excited when she would see her brother at bat.

 His first season of T-ball was a great learning time for him. He made a lot of progress with his catching, fielding, and hitting. Kemper was so proud of the patch he earned for making a great catch during a game.

I never thought I say this but I kinda miss our 8am Saturday morning games.
Good times, Great memories!!!