Happy Halloween !!

Halloween Weekend 2011

Doesn't he make the perfect Woody from Toy Story?!
We found these pajamas at the Disney store and they make the best costume.
The best part is that when the night is over I can just toss him in bed!

 He was so excited to be Woody.
I think the hat was his favorite part. He never took it off.

K with his cousin Nolan, a.k.a Buzz Lightyear, at the church Kids Carnival

 Kemper playing some of the games and having a balloon animal made.
He loved the catapult the frog into the bucket game the best. He was actually really good and won every time.  Each time he got ready to launch the frog he would stick his tongue out Michael Jordan style.

Full concentration!!

I have never bee a fan of clowns, they kinda creep me out.
K had no problem.
He kept wanting to visit him over and over.

K with his Daddy who was wearing his most "cowboyish" outfit.

Halloween day at Gymboree and all the kids get to wear their costumes to class.
I thought it was a perfect time for me to bust out my Halloween tights ;)

 K pretending to jump in a big pile of leaves.

K pretending to plant pumpkin seeds.
 Riding his trusty steed Bullseye.
Working hard popping bubbles with his bubble poppers. (notice the tongue again?)

Daddy, all decked out in Halloween colors, visited on his lunch break. Lucky us!

And last but not least....
Halloween Night!!

  Each year my brother and sisters meet up at my parents house with us and we go trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.

 K had a great time. He's usually pretty shy when it comes to talking to strangers but he had no problem saying "trick-or-treat!" "Happy Halloween" and "thank you!" to anyone passing out candy. 
Oh the power of candy!! 
He also had no problem telling us where to go next. He would point and say "This way momma!!"

I had to put in the middle pic of my husband doing a cochlear implant check. I think he did about fifty of them. Yep he still has them! ;)

Enjoying the fruits of his labor!

Hope y'all had a safe and Happy Halloween!!

oops almost forgot... our costumes ;)